The first point of contact for all questions and information about our products.

On these pages we offer you a self-service support portal with helpful information and numerous downloads. This includes an overview of our current data sheets, a listing of all available manuals as well as information and download options for our software.

The information is supplemented by guides and troubleshooting aids, e.g. on the correct wiring of CAN networks or our popular CAN bus troubleshooting guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

The watch list helps you to remember products that interest you. Simply put the products on your watch list with the button "Add to watch list". You can then use the watch list to request the products you have marked directly from us using a form.

The drivers, which are available free of charge, can be downloaded from the respective product page. For drivers that are not included with the product, a quote can be requested from our sales team. Please feel free to use the contact form or the watch list request function for this purpose.

The manuals for the products can be downloaded from the respective product page. Simply look in the right-hand column under Documentation on the product page to access the corresponding manual. Alternatively, here is also an overview of all manuals on our website. If you cannot find the desired manual or product, please contact our support.

Please contact our support to get 3D models of our products.

For some products we offer demo versions. Currently, these demo versions are not available for free download. Please contact our support to get the available demo versions.

You can request a demo version of our EtherCAT Master Stack and our EtherCAT Workbench directly here.

You can use the inquiry function of the watch list to get a quote with prices and delivery times from our sales team. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact us by email, phone or via our contact form to request the price for a product.

If you cannot find a product on our website, please contact our sales team.

In any case, please contact our support first if you wish to return the goods. If you would still like to return the goods, please fill out our RMA form and send it to You will then receive an RMA number from our order processing department. Please indicate this number on the RMA form you enclose with the return. Send the goods together with the completed RMA form to our address in Hannover. Returns delivered freight collect will not be accepted.

Do you have any further questions?

Then please contact our support team.

Ms. Janz-Staringer and her colleagues will be happy to assist you, e.g. with technical know-how, further documentation material, current software updates, help with login and access data.

Related Links

Useful Guides and problem-solving Tools


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